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At Sofotec, we specialize in providing innovative solutions in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) using Fiber Optic Sensors.


Our services include:



In the realm of smart cities, it is vital to create a resilient, sustainable, and efficient urban environment. Sofotec plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and longevity of critical infrastructure. Continuously collect data by leveraging advanced monitoring technologies.


Smart cities can proactively detect structural anomalies in real-time, assess the integrity of infrastructure, and preemptively address potential risks before they escalate and enhances public safety but also optimizes maintenance schedules, reduces repair costs, and prolongs the lifespan of urban assets.




Sensors play a pivotal role in monitoring the condition and performance of civil infrastructure such as bridges, buildings, pipelines, and dams. Offering advantages over traditional methods, sensors boast high sensitivity, durability, and immunity to electromagnetic interference, thereby providing reliable data crucial for ensuring structural integrity and operational efficiency.


The data collected by these sensors offers engineers and asset managers valuable insights into the health and performance of critical infrastructure. It enables them to assess structural integrity, detect anomalies, and predict potential failures, facilitating proactive maintenance strategies and optimizing asset lifespan. By supporting the development of predictive maintenance algorithms and structural health models, sensors contribute significantly to public safety, sustainable development, and efficient resource allocation, thereby ensuring the safety, reliability, and resilience of civil infrastructure.



Pipeline monitoring is a sophisticated method aimed at bolstering the safety, integrity, and efficiency of vital infrastructure networks. The system continuously monitor parameters like temperature, strain, pressure, and vibration, utilizing optical fibers integrated into the pipeline structure or laid alongside it to detect changes in the surrounding environment.


These systems also facilitates early detection of leaks, unauthorized access, and mechanical damage, thereby mitigating the risk of environmental contamination and infrastructure failures. Moreover, they aid in optimizing pipeline operations, identifying maintenance needs, and effectively allocating resources, strengthens emergency response capabilities, and diminishes operational costs related to manual inspections and upkeep.


By harnessing advanced sensing technologies, pipeline operators can uphold the reliability, safety, and sustainability of their assets while maximizing operational efficiency in an ever-evolving energy landscape.



Tunnel monitoring, employing fiber optic sensors, stands as a vital practice ensuring the integrity, safety, and operational efficiency of underground transportation networks. These sensors are strategically positioned along tunnels to monitor key parameters such as temperature, strain, pressure, and vibration continuously.


Utilizing optical fibers integrated into or alongside the tunnel lining, these systems detect environmental changes. By monitoring temperature fluctuations, they can identify potential fire hazards, equipment overheating, or structural irregularities. Tunnel monitoring with fiber optic sensors offers numerous advantages, including early detection of structural weaknesses, geological disturbances, and security breaches, thus minimizing the risk of accidents, disruptions, and potential disasters. Furthermore, these systems enable proactive maintenance planning, optimization of ventilation and lighting, and adherence to safety protocols. Additionally, fiber optic-based tunnel monitoring enhances emergency response capabilities, supports predictive maintenance strategies, and reduces operational downtime due to unforeseen repairs or closures. Leveraging advanced sensing technologies, tunnel operators can effectively mitigate risks, prolong infrastructure lifespan, and ensure the continued provision of secure and reliable transportation services to the public.



Slab lifting, utilizing injection polyurethane grouting, also known as polyurethane foam lifting or foam jacking, is a specialized technique designed to elevate and stabilize sunken or uneven concrete slabs effectively.

The process commences with the drilling of small holes into the sunken concrete slab, typically spaced several feet apart.


Subsequently, a two-part polyurethane foam is injected into these perforations under controlled pressure. Upon injection, the foam expands, effectively filling voids and compacting loose soil beneath the slab. As the foam continues to expand and solidify, it applies upward pressure on the slab, gradually restoring it to its original position. This injection procedure persists until the desired slab elevation is attained.


Polyurethane foam lifting presents several advantages over conventional methods like mudjacking or concrete replacement. It boasts a relatively swift process, often allowing for immediate use of the repaired area, while minimizing disruption to the surrounding environment. Additionally, the lightweight properties of the foam reduce the likelihood of further soil settlement. This method finds widespread application in various settings, including residential, commercial, and industrial areas such as sidewalks, driveways, patios, warehouse floors, and airport runways, offering a cost-effective and durable solution for rectifying sunken or uneven concrete surfaces.



Soil consolidation through injection polyurethane grouting is a method employed to enhance the stability and load-bearing capacity of weak or loose soil beneath structures, ensuring their long-term integrity and performance.


The process involves drilling small holes into the soil at predetermined intervals, followed by the injection of a specialized polyurethane grout under controlled pressure. As the grout is introduced, it expands and permeates the surrounding soil, effectively filling voids, compacting loose particles, and creating a solid, stable mass. By densifying the soil matrix, the expanding polyurethane grout improves its load-bearing capacity and reduces the potential for settlement, providing a cost-effective and efficient solution for soil stabilization without the need for extensive excavation or soil replacement.


Widely applied in construction and infrastructure projects such as building foundations, roadways, embankments, retaining walls, and underground utilities, soil consolidation using injection polyurethane grouting offers numerous benefits. These include minimal disruption to existing structures and surrounding areas, swift installation, and long-term durability, making it a preferred choice for soil stabilization and foundation reinforcement endeavors.

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